
A Victory, not a Mandate

posted by Richard Katz on January 09, 2015

Found in Japan, categorized in Politics

Tags: Richard Katz TOE Abe Abenomics TPP LDP

Report Cover


We have long argued that, when it comes to the TPP, Abe could, if he wanted to, override rural sentiment and even the small majority of LDP Diet members who side with the farm lobby on market access issues.


Hope in Abe and Abenomics disappearing.

About Richard Katz

Richard Katz is Senior Fellow at the Carnegie Council for Ethics In International Affairs, the New York correspondent for Weekly Toyo Keizai, a leading Japanese business magazine, and formerly the editor of The Oriental Economist Report, a monthly newsletter on Japan.

Mr. Katz has taught about Japan’s economy as an Adjunct Associate Professor at the New York University Stern School of Business, and as a Visiting Lecturer in Economics at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Stony Brook.

Mr. Katz is the author of two books on Japan's economic travails and has just finished a third book on reviving entrepreeurship in Japan.

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